Independent label: CJMO - the C. John Mears Organization - appears to have concentrated most of its efforts on the album market, but it released the occasional seven-inch record. LPs and EPs alike are numbered in the 700s which suggests that they may have shared the same numerical series; LPs were prefixed 'RLP', EPs 'R'.  CJMO seems to have had a penchant for unusual items, among which were fairground organ records, a collection of favorite songs by the Ovaltineys, and an album of poetry for children, spoken by Arthur Lowe ('Moveaboutalot', RLP-777; 1978).  It looks to have been active from the mid '70s to at least the early '80s.  Distribution was by Lugton and Spartan Records

80 Ovaltineys Happy Days Are Here Again CJMO OVA  1
81 Young World Red Robin Rock CJMO NS 1

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