Independent label: Oddball Productions was a Private limited company, incorporated by Bernard Rhodes on 17 July 1979 under the name Tapecraft Ltd., name change to Oddball Productions Ltd. by 1 January 1981. It issued at least four singles from 1979-81, through four different companies - Parlophone, MCA, Rough Trade and Polygram - though it kept its own separate label identity with each.  Its first release was the first record by Dexy's Midnight Runners, 'Dance Stance', The single was handled by Parlophone, and its catalogue number, R-6028, was borrowed from Parlophone's own numerical series.  Subsequent singles, by Vic Godard and Johnny Britton, were in a Power Pop sort of vein and were less successful.  Other Oddball labels were operative in the 1990s and the 2000s.

80 Dexy'S Midnight Runners Dance Stance ODDBALL PRODUCTIONS  R 6028
80 Godard Vic & Subway Sect Split Up The Money ODDBALL PRODUCTIONS  MCA 585
81 Britton Johnny On That Got Away ODDBALL PRODUCTIONS  BRIT 1
81 Godard Vic & Subway Sect Stop That Girl ODDBALL PRODUCTIONS  RT 068

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